Aloww girls, how are you?? Cuman mo nge-share klo gue senang banget. Kemarin gue ultah dan seriously gue ga nyangka bakal dirayain or gimana gt sama temen2 ku karena gue kan baru pindah ke Singapore like maybe 11 months so ga expect apa2. Soalnya kan temen baru, environment baru dll, plus this is my first birthday in Singapore, so I thot will be just silent birthday. But unexpectedly sehari sebelum bday, ada temen yg baru kenal like 6 months gitu said early wishes and ajak makan (karena dia nya nanya ada acara g? gue dgn PD lg bilang kaga tu) haha terus diajakin makan n beliin cake (walao kecil) tapi I am so touched. * terharu banget, dimana baru kenal bentar aja, dia bisa spare waktu dia utk ngerayain ultah gue. terharu banget kan~~
Terus besok nya dikantor juga dikasih lil surprise sama lovely colleague and again mari makan cake. Malam nya juga bareng my sohib sejak SD dan 2 temen lagi makan d cafe and lil celebration.
Before blow the candle, narcis dl. LOL |
To be honest, in Singapore I experience a lot from the nervous (karena baru datang terus cari kerja, terus nyasar, dll), Sad, happy, etc. Semua deh tapi I really grateful I met lots of nice and caring people especially my church friends. I also found my way back to God. He is always good to me. hehe.
Thanks for all my friends and all the wishes, bday cake and the most important is I enjoy every bits of the companionship with all my friends. XOXO
terharu ya klo ada yg kasi surprise, walaupun kecil tp berarti, apalagi klo blm kenal lama :)
ReplyDeletehappy birthday yaa ^^
ya, terharu banget. Thanks ya ^^ <3