Happy Weekend all~~~Gimana kabarnya semua?? Hari ini gue mau share semua make-up removers yang gue punya (cuman ada 6) :P Here we go
Gue try di tangan gue dengan FLUIDLINE EYE-LINER GEL- MEREK HR (Helena Rubinstein).
I let it sit for like 5 mins and wipe it one by one with one wipe only to see which one need less rubbing to clean the eyeliner. Alhasilnya~~~ TARAA~~
1. KOSE ( a bit pricy but cleans the best with only one wipe it cleans almost all)
2. BIORE CLEANSING OIL ( Cheap, cleans best as well for eyes and lips and all the makeup, plus it can be used while you are on shower or your face is already wet-Good Stuff.)
3. BIORE CLEANSING MILK (Cheap, just needs more rubbing :P)
4. DIVINIA EYES AND LIP REMOVER (Cheap: Cleans not bad as well)
5. MY BEAUTY DIARY MAKE UP REMOVER (Not really doing its job :P)
6. BIODERMA (Def Not doing its job, it can only cleans the simple makeup. But it is not oil or milk cleansing, it is watery and it is good for sensitive skin) - If you have simple make up on your sensitive skin, you can consider try this one) :)
Which one will I re-purchase? Def Kose Cleansing Oil, Biore Cleansing Oil and Milk as well :)
Which one do I use lots? Biore Cleansing Oil karena bisa digunakan pas mandi.
So Hope you enjoy it and Happy Trying :) :) Happy a Nice Weekend Girls!!
biore yg clensing oilnya dapet drmana?? mauuk *interesting* :D Btw,, lam kenal Juliana. :)
ReplyDelete@sayaviya: Salam kenal juga. Saya beli Biore Cleansing Oil nya di Watsons Taiwan. Di Indo ga tau sudah masuk belum, klo misalnya blm, gue bs bantu order :)
Deletebiodermanya beli dimana sist O.O aku nyari nyari itu dari dulu.
ReplyDeleteBlushOff [Beauty Blog]
@Marsha Karta Swardharma: Ini saya beli di Taiwan juga. Di Indo mgkn agak susah carinya. klo mau, bisa bantu order :) Met kenal ya~
Deletewah 6 sih lumayan banyak, kalo aku biasa cm beli satu tunggu sampe abis. km order dmn ya? aku pengen tahu semua harganya nih
ReplyDelete@Julie: kebykkan sih sample product atau dlm kemasan kecil krn gue suka test sih :) Saya belinya di Taiwan. Price listnya :)
Delete1. Bioderma 500ml: IDR. 180.000 belinya di lokal beauty store.
2. Biore Cleansing Oil 230ml: IDR. 90.000
3. Biore Cleansing Milk 230ml: IDR. 60.000
4. My Beauty Diary: Peach Soda kyknya 150ml: IDR. 70.000
5. Divinia 150ml: IDR. 65.000
6. Kose Cleansing Oil (yg kecil itu souvenir)185ml: IDR. 275.000
Harganya gue ud convert dari NT Dollar (uang Taiwan) ke IDR. :):)