Thursday, February 21, 2013

D.I.Y: How to decorate boring empty name card box

Hi all! I am so in mood of D.I.Y soalnya sudah lama tidak DIY. Hari ini gue mau share how to decorate something boring into something nice looking and less boring.
Pemeran utamanya adalah NAME BOX. Usually name box biasanya plain transparent box, so boring!
and tentunya name box ini paling banyak di kantor kita, sering kali kalau sudah habis, kita pasti buang or just put it aside- untouch. 

So I am thinking why not decorate this boring piece into something nice. Without further, here are some of the things that need to be prepared (do not worry, all of those things are available in your desk for sure) :
1. Name Box
2. Pisau Cutter
3. Glue (if you want to use any glue is fine)
4. Ruler to measure
5. Printable Patterns ( you can find it online-google :D )

Next step is:
1. Choose your pattern which one that you want to be put on its side. I am choosing the last one (stripes)



2. Cut it into piece. We gonna need 3 pieces of the same pattern.

3. Measure it with your box and see if you need to trim it or not.  I only trimmed a bit coz my pattern is a bit too wide. 


4. After that, GLUE time! Glue it along the sides.

5. It is actually finish, if you want it. But I personally think it is a bit simple. So I print something cute to be the bottom of the box. 

 I measure it so it will fix into the box. 

6. Then it is FINISH! My Cute Lil Box.


Hope you guys enjoy my simple DIY sharing! Have a good day! :)

Maybelline- Eyestudio Lasting Drama Gel Eyeliner (01-Black)

Hi ya'll girls! Sudah lama tak nge-blog. Been lots of things happening in my life. But its all settled now. So I am so ready to nge-blog again.

Hari ini gw mau share about Maybelline product again. Pas CNY, saya pulang Medan and seperti biasa pasti saya stop to Maybelline counter untuk stock up my product like Eyeliner Sharp Liner yang terakhir saya share (very nice product), remover, powdernya and saya lihat sales counternya, I like her make up esp the eyes area. So gw nanya dia, dia pakai eyeliner apa kok bisa seperti didandan seperti itu.

So dia rekomendasi Eyestudio Lasting Drama Gel Eyeliner, honestly ini gel liner really good stuff. Aplikasinya gampang banget, so smooth and really really intense color which I like. Saya ga suka eyeliner or any eye product yang warnanya kurang intense jadinya musti diaplikasi berkali-kali. I like to apply it once and make my eyes pop! haha.

Ini dia productnya. Di dalam packagingnya juga ada brushnya. Brushnya juga bagus, gampang utk pengaplikasiannya. 



Tes Pengaplikasian di tangan: 


Hasilnya cukup bagus karena sangat intense colornya.

What I like:
• Warnanya yang intense, tak perlu pengaplikasian berulang2.
• Dikasih brush dalam packagenya dan brushnya bagus
• Cheap and nice

What I dont like:
• Tidak begitu tahan. Bisa little smudge dalam jangka waktu lama.

So far, it is good product with nice price.
Moga kalian enjoy ya blog gw. Have a nice day girls!!